Saturday, September 27, 2008

Running on emotions...

This could be such a bunny trail post but hopefully I will make sense of it all!
So today I just did some cross training - on the elliptical. I love the way it makes me sweat with minimal effort! I do feel like I moved my body and it didn't wipe me out so that is good!

Tomorrow I run 5 miles. Now that I am jittery about! I have perused blogs and since it is a weekend, many runners are out running races today. I am excited for them but also have a bit of apprehension about my own races to come. I guess that is why running is such a rush for many!
Running makes you live life to the fullest. One moment you feel sure of yourself, while the next you are full of self-doubt. This can be throughout the day as you look towards your goals or during a run. It is all such a mental game!

Personally, I haven't really run in ages, not that I have really been consistent in running at all! I ran a 5K in 2007, a 15K in May of 2008 and now have signed up for 3 races in two months! I am excited and nervous all at the same time.

My 5K is exciting as I feel confident that I can at least finish. LOL! My Half, well, only training will tell. I know that two months of training is a good amount of time to build up so I am hopeful!

Until then, I will continue to run like the wind!


Becky said...

Thank you for seeing me through a self-doubt day! Running is such a good "life" sport. I'm looking forward to my run tomorrow! :)