Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Today I was so excited to get out there and run on my favorite trail but moments into my run I knew I wasn't going to like it! I had a dull ache in my right shin area. It kind of circles around into the back of my calf as well. Just dull and achy.

I thought I would push through it and keep on going - hopeful that it would just fade away after I warmed up. Nope, didn't. It nagged me for the whole 4 miles and then after as I walked. So frustrating!

Now I sit here at my computer about 30 minutes later and it still hurts. Just achy and bothersome. Enough to remind me that something is not right.

I hope some Vitamin I will do just the trick. I will rest it and hopefully it will be good as new soon!

If anyone can do a cyber diagnosis or offer any advice, go for it!