Thursday, January 1, 2009

I'm Baaaaaaacccccckkkkk!

After a few weeks of just resting (aka being lazy) after the race, I think I am back. Of course New Year's day is a wonderful day to make a comeback but I have to grab the momentum from somewhere you know?

Holiday's, food, friends and family have ruled for the past few weeks and I am thankful for them. I am also thankful for the great weather here in Florida that pulls me outside to get on the trail.

While my 3 miles were slow, it felt so good to be out there in the fresh cool air. Good music and pod casts in my ears led itself to a cleansing time of rejuvenation that I have forgotten in the past few weeks. Good for the soul.

Happy New Years and happy running!


NB said...

Welcome back! Looking forward to hearing about all your adventures in running in 2009!