What a blast! Had a great morning run at the Greater Maitland 5K with around 300 others. My time was 32:28 which was a lot faster than my first 5K 2 years ago (35:20!) so I am pleased.
It is so funny because when I train the first mile is always the hardest and for this race, I averaged 9:45 for the first mile! Yikes - slow down girl! If you average it out, I DID slow down but I was a bit ticked I had been so fast the first mile. My hope was to kick it in gear the last 2 miles but I kind of outdid myself without knowing it on mile 1! Oh well. Knowledge for the next race!
My last post was regarding feeling giddy yesterday and I did. So much so I didn't sleep so well. Then at 11:45 the door alarm started going off - wonderful when you know you need to be up at 5:30 and all you hear is "back door open, back door open" in this booming man's voice. Grrrrr. I turned off the monitor and switched on a fan to block the noise and thankfully fell back asleep.
I don't know about you, but I learn year after year how controlling and obsessive I am. Do you know that on my way there I practically panicked that I had gone on the wrong day?? LOL! I quickly snatched my phone and checked out the date - whew! I was on track! I relaxed again and enjoyed the drive there listening to great morning music.
The race was well put on, a nice support group and not too crowded. I do have to admit though, I am a bit spoiled by my two Disney Medals!
I am so happy I ran like the wind!!
Happy 2023! And I'm Moving To Substack...
2 years ago
Wow! How cool is that! I didn't know you are a runner. Head in the clouds or something.
I don't think I could WALK a 5K, never mind run one! I run 50 feet and fall down gasping. ;~)
And you have two more planned? Some people are just gluttons!
Heehee! Really, I think it's awesome! You go, girl!
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